A Missed Day of School

I do not like to miss days of school. Especially in the winter with the amount of snow we’ve had. However, when I was asked to be a judge at The Center for the Constitution (Montpelier) for their Washington, D.C. City Finals, I couldn’t refuse. Despite the 2 hour drive in to Georgetown Law School at 6:15 am, it was an amazing experience. The students of various private, public, and charter schools really impressed me with their knowledge of the Constitution and our government. They were well spoken, respectful, and were thoughtful, if not earnest, with their answers. PS – Way to go Coach David Sahr and the girls from National Cathedral School who earned first place!

I had a chance to see teacher-friends (January) and old colleagues. Our day ended just after 12 noon and I made the trip back out to the Blue Ridge Mountains. To be honest, I have been feeling a bit down this past week. I’m not sure what exactly for what reasons… but I was. I decided to head back to school to catch the last period of the day. I confess that I did not tell the kids that I would not be at school today and I felt bad about that.

So when the kids hugged and wrapped their arms around me when they returned to the class room to find me waiting for them…well, it was a good day.

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